《Update:Thank You USA》
たった一か月で再開にこぎ着けたのは驚異的だ。この復旧活動を実質率いた米軍の活躍について NY タイムズが報じている。
NYTimes.com: “Quietly, U.S. Troops Help Japan Reopen Sendai Airport” by Martin Fackler: 13 April 2011
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4月13日[水曜日]東北最大の都市仙台の空港から民間機が飛び立った。3月11日の巨大地震以来始めての民間機だった。しかし空港が再開したと き、空港の片付けを行なった米空軍第 353 在沖縄特殊作戦部隊の 20 名を越える隊員も、海兵隊ほかの 260 名の兵隊も、空港には残っていなかった。
On Wednesday, the airport in Sendai, one of northern Japan’s largest cities, nearly 200 miles northeast of Tokyo, reopened to commercial flights for the first time since the earthquake and tsunami struck on March 11. But when the airport resumed civilian operations, the two dozen members of the Air Force unit, the 353rd Special Operations Group, were not on hand to celebrate. Nor were most of the 260 Marines and soldiers who also joined the cleanup.
They had already packed up and gone. Their absence reflected the balance the United States military has tried to strike in Japan, where it has undertaken one of its largest relief operations, while also being careful not to be seen as taking a role that might upstage its hosts.
「我々の目的は、我々がここにいたことさえ気づかないようにすることだった」と第 353 部隊のひとり John Traxler 少佐は語った。先週彼は、ラジオを背負って、航空機の滑走路管制を行なっていた。コントロールタワーはまだ修理が済んでいなかったからだ。
“Our goal is for no one to notice that we were even here,” one of the 353rd’s members, Maj. John Traxler, said last week. At that time, he was directing taxiing aircraft with a radio on his back because the control tower was still under repair.
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米軍が残っていなかったからといって、米軍の劇的な援助作戦の成功を損なうわけではない。この作戦には1万8千人の隊員と20隻の戦艦、原子力空母 Ronald Reagan まで参加したのだ。ペンタゴンはこれを「トモダチ作戦」と名付けたが、5万人の米軍部隊が駐留している日本に対し善意の関係を醸成しようとするものだっ た。
This is not to say that the United States military has shied from trumpeting its sweeping aid operation, involving 18,000 people and 20 ships, including the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan. The Pentagon has dubbed it Operation Tomodachi, Japanese for “friend,” reflecting its goal of fostering good will in a nation that hosts 50,000 American troops .
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「仙台空港を開くことが最優先事項であることは明らかだった。しかしみんな諦めていた」と Robert P. Toth 大佐[第 353 在沖縄特殊作戦部隊司令官]はいう。彼は上官に仙台空港をアメリカの援助のハブとする計画を持ち込んだ。
“It was clear that opening Sendai Airport was the No. 1 priority, but everyone had written it off,” Colonel Toth said. He approached his superiors with a plan to turn it into a hub for American relief.
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He said that when the unit made an initial helicopter survey the day after the earthquake, the airport was still under eight feet of water.
3日後日本の基地から空輸されたハンビー[軍用車両]で部隊が到着した。最初の仕事は滑走路を片付けて、航空機が着陸できるだけのスペースを確保す ることだった。その後数週間にわたって日米双方は、津波で滑走路に押し流された5千台以上の車両を移動して、空港の周辺にきれいに並べた。
When the unit arrived three days later, driving in on Humvees that been flown to a Japanese air base a few hours away, the first task was clearing enough of the runway for aircraft to land. In the following weeks, the Americans and Japanese moved more than 5,000 cars that had been washed onto the runway by the waves, lining them up in neat rows along the edge of airport.
With the control tower damaged by the waves, the Americans ran the airport for weeks, guiding their military planes in and out from backpack radios. Ahead of Wednesday’s reopening, control was slowly restored to the Japanese.
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食料、水、毛布を 200 万トン以上
3月15日以来、米軍はこの空港を使って 200 万トン以上の食料、水、毛布を被災地に運んだと Toth 大佐はいう。
Since March 15, Colonel Toth said the Americans had used the airport to distribute more than two million tons of food, water and blankets.
「我々の仕事は被災地に滑走路を作ることだ」と米空軍の Traxler 少佐はいう。「しかしこれほどの被害は戦場においてすら見たことがない。」
“This is what we do: look for a disaster, and set up a runway,” said Major Traxler of the Air Force. “But I have never seen this level of devastation, not even in combat.”
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《Update》Thank You USA(4月15日)
在日米海軍司令部[@CNFJ]の Twitter から・・・
引用元: 静かに立ち去った米軍 ? maclalala2.